Saturday, July 18, 2009

Five Keys To Wellness

A way of life that involves taking responsibility for one's own well-being by practicing lifestyle habits that promote optimal health. Wellness is multi-faceted and is attainable and maintainable

This will help you focus on the 5 keys to wellness.

Five Keys to Wellness:

Medical Wellness: Your physical health is the foundation of all other aspects of wellness.

One of the most important tips for medical wellness is to never go at it alone. Research shows that teaming with a medical professional produces greater, longer lasting results.

Nutritional Wellness: Good Nutrition supports the powerful Health - Producing Capabilities of your Body.

What you eat and how you prepare food are just as important as how much food you eat. In order to support increased physical activity, it is important to provide your body with proper nutrients.

Physical Wellness : Appropriate Physical Activity is a Powerful Source of Health Benefits.

Scientific research confirms that regular, appropriate physical activity is a powerful source of health benefits.

Similar to obesity, lack of exercise is associated with risk of many diseases. It is important, with a doctor's approval, to begin a program that increases exertion gradually, so as to be more sustainable. Exercise should be pleasant, invigorating and fun, not a chore.

Motivational Wellness : Everyone experiences stress, disappointments, and negative emotions. By preparing for bumps in the road of life, we can keep them from negatively impacting your weight loss program and your wellness.

Educational Wellness : A Healthy Mind is always Learning and Open to New Ideas.

Wellness, or the state of being in good health, begins with the desire to be well. Science is discovering new paths to wellness every day, and it is wise to stay abreast of these developments.

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